Fresh 48 Collections & Pricing


Our Fresh 48 Sessions are the absolute sweetest sessions! These take place in the hospital, birthing center or home one to two days post birth. This time can be very hazy as there are so many emotions, sleepy moments and changes happening. We want to capture this special time for you to look back on when the fog clears and remember those first few days with your newest addition. The Tiny fingers and toes. That little button nose. All the little details, forever captured, for you all to treasure.


Collection 1

$350 +Tax

Collection 1 includes up to 30 minutes of shoot time, 10 Digital Images, 24 hour private sneak peek for your birth announcement, professional photo editing, private online image gallery & print release. Limited to mom, dad, baby & siblings.

Collection 2 Collection

$450 +Tax

Collection 2 includes up to 60 minutes of shoot time, All Digital Images are included in this collection (50+ Digital Images), 24 hour private sneak peek for announcement, professional photo editing, private online image gallery and print release.